Powertrain European Funded Projects

Marelli partner of MASTECS

From December 2019 up to November 2021 Marelli  joined an European research project  Horizon 2020, named MASTECS – Multicore Analysis Service and Tools for Embedded Critical Systems’.

This project rapresents the first solution consisting of a service and software analysis tools, capable of handling the complexity of multicore and offer to the market an innovative and exploitable technology for verification of software running on multicore processors.

Verification tools developed, integrated, and matured in MASTECS can then be used by embedded software industries (focusing on automotive and avionics) to support advanced software functions (such as autonomous driving), competitive factors in every new product.

PARTNERS of MASTECS: Rapita Systems, Raytheon Technologies, BSC

Marelli partner of UP2DATE

From January 2020 up to December 2022 Marelli Europe  joined an European research project Horizon 2020  , named UP2DATE -Intelligent software technologies for safe and secure mixed-criticality and high performance cyber physical systems.-

The project provides a new software paradigm for SAfe and SEcure (SASE) Over-the-Air software (OTASU) updates for Mixed-Criticality Cyber-Physical Systems (MCCPS).

UP2DATE software architecture enables deployment of new (mixed‐criticality) applications remotely (patching existing functions or extending the functionality) in heterogeneous computing platforms.

The UP2DATE framework generated within the project has been evaluated in a railway and automotive use case  to guarantee the compliance of the Safety and Security requirements during the remote software update of any of the tens of Electronic Control Units (ECU) with which the new generation cars are equipped, even those related to safety functions like brake management.

The inclusion of UP2DATE framework aims reducing the number of recall and service campaigns up to 90%, reducing the postproduction and maintenance costs considerably.


Marelli partner of REACT

From April 2018 up to September 2021 Marelli Europe  joined a research project, named   REACT – Methods and Tools for REACTive Product Design and Manufacturing.

The project is been co-financed by EU inside of the research program PON 2014-2020 R&I managed by Ministry University and Research (MIUR).

Strictly linked to the concepts of Industry 4.0, REACT activities have been carried out with Industrial and University partners in order to improve Production KPI including Maintenance, Energy Consumption and Health Risk Analysis.

Several monitoring sessions have been performed on conductors for both fully automated lines (Capital Intensive) and fully manual lines (Labor intensive) using IoT devices.

This to verify behavior of the operators in different “stress” conditions for both type of lines and find solution to improve the “quality” of their work.

Furthermore several USE CASES have been developed and implemented on several Electromechanical Components production lines in order to reduce production risks (i.e. scraps).

All initial prototypes installed on the lines have then fully transversalized and mapped on local servers (which are integral part of the lines) in order to predict machinery drift and take correct actions for the necessary interventions.

PARTNERS of REACT: Masmec, eResult, Hyperlean, ArsTech, ClioCom, InnovAAL, CNR, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Università degli studi del Sannio.

Marelli partner of EXTREME

From July 2019 up to December 2022 Marelli Europe joined a research project  , named “EXTREME – Innovative Technologies for EXTREMely Efficient spark ignition engine “.

The project is co-financed by EU inside of the research program PON 2014-2020 R&I managed by Ministry University and Research (MIUR)

Automotive research is always focused in improving endothermic engine efficiency to lower fuel consumption and CO2 emission.

Water injection concept is under investigation from several years since its usage may allow to improve combustion efficiency.

For this reason, water interaction with combustion is evaluated within EXTREME research project by varying thermodynamic conditions, starting from low pressure injection up to super critic water vapor obtained with high pressure and temperature values.

Positive results obtained by this European project could extend internal combustion engine life and promote the creation of new products and workplaces.

PARTNERS: ICMEA, MEDIS_DIH, CRF, CNR, Università di Bari, Politecnico di Bari, Università della Basilicata.

Marelli partner of OSCAR

From the end of 2017 up to August 2021 Marelli Europe joined a research project named: OSCAR – Optimized Selective Catalyst Advanced Reduction for new generation engines – The project is co-financed by Puglia Region inside of FESR FSE 2014-2020

The activities, in partnership with FPT Industrial S.p.A.  and Masmec SpA, involved the study, design and prototype construction of an advanced exhaust gas post-treatment system for Internal Combustion Diesel Engines aimed at reduction of nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions.

The reference technology is the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) for application on light-duty engines, medium and heavy commercial diesel vehicles.

The results were exhibited within the event “The transition of the automotive industry in Puglia”, organized by Confindustria Puglia, Confindustria Bari and BAT and MedisDIH  (15 December 2021).

Operazione cofinanziata con il Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale Puglia POR Puglia 2014 – 2020. Asse I – Obiettivo specifico 1a Azione 1.1 Codice Progetto WLYCN75

PARTNERS of OSCAR: FPT Industrial SpA, Masmec SpA